Anti-pattern: Over-parallelizing with too fine-grained tasks harms speedup ========================================================================== **TLDR:** Avoid over-parallelizing. Parallelizing tasks has higher overhead than using normal functions. Parallelizing or distributing tasks usually comes with higher overhead than an ordinary function call. Therefore, if you parallelize a function that executes very quickly, the overhead could take longer than the actual function call! To handle this problem, we should be careful about parallelizing too much. If you have a function or task that’s too small, you can use a technique called **batching** to make your tasks do more meaningful work in a single call. Code example ------------ **Anti-pattern:** .. literalinclude:: ../doc_code/ :language: python :start-after: __anti_pattern_start__ :end-before: __anti_pattern_end__ **Better approach:** Use batching. .. literalinclude:: ../doc_code/ :language: python :start-after: __batching_start__ :end-before: __batching_end__ As we can see from the example above, over-parallelizing has higher overhead and the program runs slower than the serial version. Through batching with a proper batch size, we are able to amortize the overhead and achieve the expected speedup.